
Welcome to the self-hosted portion of 6eamed.xyz. Mostly, I use this server to host my projects (such as my UserVMs). Find more stuff in the navigation bar.

VX Samples

The VX sample repository is only to be used for educational purposes only. To apply for access, please DM me on Discord and briefly explain why you'd like to access the repository.

Server Specifications

OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) x86_64

Host: Latitude E6520 01

Kernel: 6.1.0-21-amd64

CPU: Intel i7-2760QM (8) @ 3.50GHz


Memory: 8GB

Yes I know it's shit

VM Status

98se: [ Checking... ]
xppro: [ Checking... ]
random vm: [ Checking... ]
2kpro: [ Checking... ]